Winter 2021 Newsletter
We wanted to take a moment to show our appreciation for you, our community members. As a nonprofit organization, we couldn't have survived the pandemic without your support. Thank you for your generosity! Check out our slideshow below for a glimpse on activities that took place at the BDC over the past year.
This year the Beaufort Digital Corridor (BDC) hired a new Executive Director & Cybersecurity Program Manager, appointed a new Board Chair, elected 2 new Board Members, relaunched our in-person programs including TECHConnect, CODEcamp and Fridays@theCorridor, organized a 5K, developed new training opportunities for tech talent, and strategized on our new vision for 2022.
The Beaufort Digital Corridor nurtures and promotes technology entrepreneurs, providing office space, networking opportunities, continuing education, and programming designed to grow the tech economy in the Lowcountry. The economic vitality, global competitiveness, and prosperity of our community depend on the innovation and skills of the workforce.
Our 'tech hub', BASEcamp, is located in downtown Beaufort and is both an incubator and coworking space. The fact is: we are a nonprofit 501(c)(6) and rely on community support. Currently, we are City of Beaufort sponsored, but that doesn't cover full operations.
In the spirit of giving, please consider showing us your support by gifting a donation that makes an impact for future generations in your local community.