Lowcountry High School Students Awarded College Scholarships By Playing Cybersecurity Games
South Coast Cyber CenterSouth Coast Cyber Center in collaboration with the Beaufort Digital Corridor, University of South Carolina Beaufort, Technical College of the Lowcountry, CyberStart America, and the National Cyber Scholarship Foundation announced this week opportunities for talented high school and college students to win valuable scholarships for certification and school tuition.
Beginning October 27, 2021 thru April 27, 2022 students can register and begin the competition. CyberStart America is a gamified learning platform developed by cybersecurity professionals. CyberStart offers a series of challenges to challenge student's problem solving skills.
Students must be at least 13 years old and in 9th-12th grades in public, private, charter or home school. CyberStart's competition allows students to build a portfolio of skills and certifications desired by employers both in the private and public sector. No background in information technology or cybersecurity is required.
Warren Parker, Chairman of the South Coast Cyber Center says that "This is a unique opportunity provided free to interested students that features fun challenges and simulations to increase their cybersecurity knowledge. These challenges will allow our students to build their cyber skills while competing for scholarships worth up to $3000. We believe CyberStart is a unique and innovative concept that can uncover hidden talent for cybersecurity in our community."
Beaufort Digital Corridor will host a virtual information session via Zoom on Tuesday, November 9th and November 16th at 11:00 AM and 6:00PM EST. View the flyer for more information.
Students will need to register and activate their CyberStart America account to join the Beaufort Digital Corridor's CyberTeam.
- Registration link: https://register.cyberstartamerica.org/student/?referral=83502
- Team code: party-sample-supplierInterested students or parents may also contact Mr. Cooper at the Beaufort Digital Corridor by email cory@beaufortdigital.com or their local school to find out more information.