Sip and Learn Social, Tech for the Rest of Us
BDC / Allen IT and ETI
A partnership between Beaufort Digital Corridor members Allen Technology Advising (Allen IT) and Enterprise Technologies, Inc. (ETI) offers a four-part series addressing everyday technology, tailored exclusively for the local businesses of Beaufort.
Sip and Learn Socials will take place on the second Tuesday of the month from 5:30-7:30pm. This complimentary event is co-hosted by the Beaufort Digital Corridor at BASEcamp, located at 500 Carteret Street. The initial session on July 10, 2018 is designed as a meet-and-greet with these local experts and to discuss your current business technology needs.
"How much money does it cost your company to be without technology for an hour? What about for five days during a weather-related evacuation?" asks Ryan Curtis of Allen IT. For the first event, Ryan along with Samantha Kolner of ETI want to help your company strengthen its business continuity plan by including an IT disaster recovery plan custom designed to meet your needs. They will go over basic and attainable ways to secure and protect your businesses technology, so you don't have to worry about lost data and the headache of getting your network back online. Technology should optimize your business and bring peace of mind. Attendees are encouraged to bring an open mind, tech related questions, and business card- there will be drawings for a free IT support session and an Amazon gift card! See Events Page for dates.
Community, one of the essential pillars of the Beaufort Digital Corridor, is the relationship between the Beaufort Digital Corridor, member companies, and the greater public. The BDC supports Beaufort's business community through hosting events like this.