Google Co-Hosts Broadcast with Beaufort Digital Corridor
Jess O'Brien
Local SEO Live Stream
The Beaufort Digital Corridor will host a Google #PartnersConnect event on May 2, 2018 in partnership with BDC board member, Jess O'Brien. The event, co-hosted with Google, is about how digital marketing can help you thrive on the Web.
This local SEO Broadcast is a no-cost event highlighting how online advertising is not just for techies -it can help any business grow. Watch a broadcast of Google thought leaders discuss the value of online advertising and how to succeed on the web. Speakers and panelists have been selected for their proven expertise in digital advertising.
"This is a live stream event directly from Google, right here in Beaufort. A Google Partners Connect event could be the doorway to other beneficial Google events at the Beaufort Digital Corridor, maybe even a Techstars Startup Weekend down the road including our partners in Beaufort County," said Jess O'Brien.
Community, the most important pillar of the Beaufort Digital Corridor, is the relationship between the Beaufort Digital Corridor, member companies, and the greater public. The BDC supports Beaufort's business community through hosting events like this. While they are tech-related, they are meant for anyone wishing to listen and learn.